Deepayan/Uberhero/Confidence Man/Cleo/Eric/other personalities to be added later
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
  Weird Dream
So I haven't blogged in a while, mostly because when I had time, I had nothing worthy to blog and when I had something worthy to blog, I had no time :( But I had a weird dream last night, and I finished a majority of stuff that was due this week today, so I decided to subject all of you to my dream. Perhaps some of you psychology students out there can interpret it.
So it started out with me at a hoity-toity rich people's swimming pool (I knew it was hoity-toity becasue there was a separate kiddie pool, and the showers were sparkling clean) I wasn't actually in the pool, and I took three or four trips between the shower and my spot on the side of the pool, never actually going into the showers, just looking in to them. Mind you, this is completely in character for me, because I have always had an irrational dislike for public showers.I don't remember completely, but I think I was checking to see how clean they were.
So anyway, after the last back-and-forth, I lay down on the deck and tapped this woman lounging in the pool on the head. She looked up and I asked her where she was heading. She gave an address which, if I recall correctly, was a garbled version of my old address, and I said I was heading there too (I don't think this was entirely a lie, atleast in my head), and if she wanted to get out of here. She agreed (Yes, I know, this was the part that should ahve tipped me off that this was a dream. You got that out of your system? Good)
Now, what happened next was a little unclear, even right after I woke up, and you'll see why. We went on what seemed like a single, albeit very long, date, (although you'll see later on that circumstances indicate it may have been more than one) walking around, enjoying each other's company, meeting people we knew. At one point, I draped my arm around her shoulders. She didn't seem entirely pleased with the move, so I asked her "Uncomfortable?" She nodded, and I removed my arm. I then asked her if she had someone else in her life. (Mind you, forgetting about a minor detail like this is also entirely in keeping with character for me). She said she had a lot of people, and played a lot of roles; mother, something, something. It wa the mother that caught my ear, because I somehow deduced from that that she was married (I also seemed to instinctively know her child was a daughter, but I suspect it's because all the mothers I know have daughters...I think. I never got confirmation of this from her, though). She confirmed as such upon my asking ( being married)
I dropped her home, and saw her greet her family. I snuck into a corner next to her house, and suddenly there was someone else there with me, who was apparently my friend. He was doing the sneaking, watching her playing recreational games with her family, and I was sitting down, listening to his commentary. At one point, I asked her "Does she look happy?" I don't remember his answer.
But as time elapsed, the crowd seemed to get larger. More and more people began to appear, all of whom seemed to be my friends, some of whom were even standing on the lot that belonged to her house, behind the fence but not very well-hidden, it seemed. The corner where I was got filled up; at the end of the corner was the only person I could recognize upon waking up; my dad. (None of these other "friends" of mine seemed familiar, from university, college or high school) None of these friends seemed particularly interested in the fact that I seemed to be dating (and creepily stalking, now that I think about it) a married woman. They all seemed to be, and this was an expression that came to me while still in the dream, horndogs. They commented on how hot she was, in different ways. I think some of them were actually panting.
At some point, her husband found out, as evidenced by a big fight the two of them had outside their house, in full view of me and everyone else. My dad also was strongly disapproving of my actions; I knew this even though I didn't recall actually discussing it all explicitly. Also at some point, her dad made an appearance, and he was a religious freak. He stormed past me on his way out (although not on his way in), and I thought he was heading for me for a while. I tried to weasel out of the whole thing at one point by leaving, but was stopped by my father, who said that I started it and I should at least see its conclusion. Her mother approached me at one point, as if to say something, then abruptly stopped short while walking, gave me a look and turned away...
..and that's when I woke up. I'm not sure what any of it means, or even whether it's significant or not. Anyone want to venture a guess?

P.S: I'm seeing via blogs that another friend of mine also had a weird dream last night. Was it the moon phase that was causing it?

so... you have a crush on a married lady that you don't even know about yourself, that you have to find out about through your dreams? but you're afraid of what your dad's opinion so... you're suppressing it?

or maybe... the married lady is a symbol for something else... something that caught your fancy but you gave up on for whatever reason and your dad's opinion (i.e. you started it, you should at least see it to its end) is haunting you?

or... maybe it means you're craving...

cheesecake. and you have to go out and buy cheesecake. but your dad is... opposed to cheesecake. but he's also opposed to you not getting cheesecake cause you started off craving cheesecake so now you gotta finish the deed!

damnit deepayan! Go out and buy that damn cheesecake! =)
Aw hell. Even I hate cheesecake.
But what if I had an illicit affair with...a cheesecake maker?!?!
welllll... i'm in psych =P

To dream that you are a stalker, represents your shadow and the negative part of your Self. It is symbolic of a bad habit which you have unsuccessfully tried to break.

To dream about a relationship with a stranger, represents the different sides of your personality. I was dating a female version of myself?
And what about her being married, is that of any significance?
You know I had a weird dream recently as well. Really vivid.

I was hanging outside Gerstein (which I spend a lot of time in nowadays)... only the architecture wasn't like Gerstein. It was reminiscent, sure, I knew what the building was, but it just didn't look the same. Also, I was outside it which was rare.

I heard a lot of chanting coming from behind Gerstein (A few months ago there was a rally at Queens park to lower tuition fees, and I heard the procession go by Gerstein... the chanting was likely an artefact of that memory).
And 3 kids that looked like goth-punks walked into Gerstein with guns/knives. I somehow called the authorities (without actually using a phone, I just suddenly knew that I called them, like in my mind) and then a friend of mine from class showed up.

We went to a trip on a bridge (???), or it may have been to cross the bridge, I'm not sure. There was a guide ahead of us. Many people I didn't know were on the bridge. And the bridge was swaying over a chasm filled with mist. It wasn't scary because the bridge had a roof (it was one of those two layered glass enclosure bridges but open to air). And I could see the other side of the chasm.

And then we stopped. Everyone on the bridge stopped for a few moments. I went ahead a bit and saw two people from highschool that I only see nowadays on facebook. One of them was twice my height (like not in real life, just in my dreams... my head only reached up to his belt!) and then he bent down. And his face was shaped just like the "face" section of a homunculus ( but with significantly bigger eyes.

And then I woke up.

What does it mean? Probably nothing important.

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