Deepayan/Uberhero/Confidence Man/Cleo/Eric/other personalities to be added later
Friday, November 28, 2008
  Uberhero of the blog: Return of the poster
I will start re-using this again.
I put this on hold not because I ran out of things to say; those of you who've had even a passing acquaintance with me will know that when I run out of things to say, that's one sign of the nearing of the apocalypse. Rather, I put this on hold because I felt unable to coherently form what I wanted to say. Doing so required time, and time became a luxury for me at some point (still is, in some ways, but...dammit, there's gotta be a funny metaphor that goes here). Either way, with my dicovery of the RT forums, a lot of what I wanted to say started to go there, partly because the people on RT are an intelligent lot, with whom I could have enlightening discussions on matters slightly less superficial than whom Miley Cyrus is currently dating (Who the hell are the Jonas Brothers? And how many of them are there? Are they like amoeba, is it spontaneous reproduction?) and partly because it was instant. But I think the benefit of a blog is that it is, essentially, a discussion with oneself. This means my thoughts come out here free of any diversions in course by immediate responses. Oftentimes, I've known myself best the same way I've known others best; by just talking to them.
(That came out much worse than I anticipated. See what I mean about being less than coherent?)

Anyhow, I shall begin re-using this. It shall


"Okay honey, I won't be weird. I'll be whatever you want me to be" --Lester Burnham, American Beauty. The line at the top is a quote from the late great George Carlin. The blog itself are the ramblings of a guy in a place doing a thing. You may not always care, but you'll always be entertained. Maybe. 60% of the time, you'll enjoy it everytime.

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