Deepayan/Uberhero/Confidence Man/Cleo/Eric/other personalities to be added later
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
  I'm too old, err, 'mature' to think up a name for this post
So scared of getting older
I'm only good at being young
So I play the numbers game to
find a way to say that life has just begun
- Stop this Train, John Mayer

I'm getting old, although I prefer to think of it as getting 'mature'. I suppose it's a good thing, as it shows character development and all those other things that platitudes are made of. At the very least, it gave me a chance to make this list, as milestones of a sort that signified that I was getting old. Excuse me, 'mature' :P
So how do you know you're getting old? Here may be some indicators
- U start 2 find ppl hu talk lyke dis all teh time annoyin n jus want to punch dem
- The women you know, when talking about their babies, are referring to their actual progeny and not their boyfriend du jour (this is actually something; I don't think any of my male friends have children. Hmmm)
- You find yourself actually watching Award-winning shows and movies, and finding out what a scam said award shows really are
- You want to go back in time and strangle your old self for your previously horrible taste in music. (That, and you actually remember what CDs are)
- You can recognize historical events they mention on TV because you remember hearing about them when they happened e.g. watching Roger Federer play before he used to massacre every male tennis player to play against him
- You start lists like this with a load of points, only to forget half of them halfway through
- Reading this list sounds more attractive than whatever you're currently doing (As a child, very few things aren't enjoyable. Of course, this may just be because kids always get their way)

On the flip side, if I'm 'maturing', how far away can gray hair and menopause be? Well, I already have gray hair, so I'm just waiting for the menopause at this point. The horror, the horror...
(Yet another sign you're getting old; you quote Marlon Brando instead of 50 cent)
Any other points to add to this? (yet another sign you're getting 'mature'; you begin to actually listen to opposing opinions and thus lose any chance you ever had of getting into politics) Do tell if there are. After all, these milestones must be recognized; whether they are greeted with cake or a pitchfork upon recognition is another matter entirely. (Yet another sign of 'maturity'; you actually recognize the bad jokes you make and continue to make them anyway)
"- You start lists like this with a load of points, only to forget half of them halfway through"

you're lucky it's just forgetting points that you were about to make...

...i forget a helluva lot more... like who i am, who my friends are... where i am... where i'm going... all sorts of stuff! =D ...
who are you again? and why am i typing this again? :S

...Oye... this maturing business makes me feel oh-so-helpless sometimes... "maturing" makes me feel week.

Boo maturing!
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