Deepayan/Uberhero/Confidence Man/Cleo/Eric/other personalities to be added later
Monday, October 02, 2006
  The Truth
So, having satisfied myself that people care about the things I do, I have decided the time is ripe to update all y'all on what I'm upto these days.
For starters, I'm not at U of T anymore, at least for now. Why? Well, because my marks, while satisfactory, are not quite where I would like them to be. The straw that essentially broke the camel's back was my bio250 summer mark. I got a 70, which was a fairly decent mark and above the class average; however, all things considered, it was a dissapointment. It was the only course I was working on, I wasn't employed, a lot of people I knew had already taken the course and were helping me out, Prof. French and my TA were both helpful; all things considered, a 4.0 in that course was quite attainable.
Typing it out, it sounds awfully like a quarter-life crisis, and perhaps it is; after all, it was triggered by questioning where I'm going to be in a few years. It's kind of difficult to explain it out, but I'm pretty sure you all have an inkling of what I'm talking about. And if you don't don't worry; you will someday.
So what am I doing now? College, namely Humber college. Two reasons for that; college is cheaper, way cheaper, and Humber is close to my new home (more on that in a minute). I'm exploring one of the other two career choices I had in mind two years ago, business. So far, it's been good. No ROSI, and that's never a bad thing. No Biome equivalent here, though. Speaking of which, I didn't register on biome because I didn't pay fees to U of T this year and I feel that I haven't quite paid my dues enough to use biome for free, the way U of T alumni have.
So, yeah, new home; I am now officially a resident of Mississauga. Let the exodus out of here begin! :P I'm about 15 minutes away from Square One by bus. It's a sweet location, with a Price Chopper about a stone's throw away and Heartland within walking distance.
So, yeah. That's what I've been upto the last month or so. Any questions?
can i borrow your umbrella? :)
Not until I have impressed atleast 10 girls at Humber with it.
After that, we will negotiate.
=( Wow Deep...
You're living in Mississauga... this is BIG...BIGGER THAN YOUR UMBRELLA BIG! =O

Funny thing! I was carrying MY big umbrella YESTERDAY and Grisha and Kheya thought it could compete with your umbrella. I told them we had a thing. That we were meeting secretly without their knowledge. *heh..heh..heh..*

I definitely am going to congratulate you on your bio250 mark even though you aren't exactly pleased with it. It was very enjoyable meeting you this summer. I hope you find your way with this... new path you're forging.

All the best to you, and do come back to UfT to pay us a visit every now and then. You are greatly missed. =)

I'll live to see the shadow of your umbrella again! =)
yes come back for a visit deep
hey deepayan, i was wondering where you'd dissapeared too.. i thought you were being hardcore studious. this is a surprise! but i'm glad you've taken control of your life and tried to go for it instead of waiting around..

if you're ever on campus you should give us a holler. i KNOW you have my number (remember that? :P). i'm not much for the phone so dont you dare call me unless you're on campus.. :P

all the best, dude.

well, I just asked you on facebook why you haven't been on campus, and then I come here and find out. What are you taking at Humber?
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