Yippie-ki-yay, mother...lover
Women cannot complain about men anymore until they start getting better taste in them.
- Bill Maher
Well, this post is dedicated to the Rammer, because she dedicated one to me, although I guess that means I'll have to dedicate one to you too, cuz. Next one, maybe. Maybe :P
The headbutt has become my new most favorite method of resolving issues, courtesy Zidane. I did feel sorry for him, as it was his last game, and that was a crappy way for him to go. In fact, almost all the players who retired at this world cup went out badly; Raul went out against France in a game that everyone expected Spain to win, and nobody realized until the next day that it was actually Raul's last match. Beckham went out with an injured knee, and Ronaldo had just one game with flashes of his old self. Figo and Kahn both went out gracefully, if nto heroically, but that's about it. However, seeing the next crop of "stars"; Wayne "I'm a sodding football God, even though I've done nothing to prove it" Rooney and Christiano "I was unable to make the Olympic diving team, so I practice on the football pitch instead" Ronaldo, makes me hope that some of these players decide to come back for one last hurrah. Lionel Messi from Argentina was the only one who lived somewhat up to the hype. Even Ronaldinho dissapointed.
In other news, I recently saw The Believer. It's an indie flick, starring Ryan Gosling, about a Jewish Neo-Nazi. The premise was interesting, but the ending was a bit of a cop-out in my opinion. I'm currently watching The Motorcycle Diaries, a movie purportedly based on the memoirs of one Ernesto Guevera de la Serna, better known as the Cuban revolutionary/militant Che Guevera. The movie chronicles his pre-world changing life, or a part of it. As shocking as it may sound to those of you reading this blog, I have yet to watch Superman Returns. Circumstances don't look good for me to catch it in theatres, so I shall wait for it to come on DVD, secure in the knowledge that I could probably get it right now at Pacific Mall if I so desired.
What else? Well, class is going smoothly, as hoped. I always liked summer classes better than regular year ones, because of the more relaxed profs and TAs. Of course, the final will be a bitch and I'll be singing a different tune. But until then, I <3 summer courses. Which is just as well, considering my ROSI start time is a glorious 3:15 pm. But I've adjusted accordingly, and the inclusion of waitlists definitely can't hurt. People tend to complain a lot about ROSI, and justifiably so, but I find it almost entertaining trying to land a course; of course, as long as it doesn't threaten my degree in any way.
Well, that's all I can think of tonight. More to come* later at some point.
*Coming not guaranteed. If you have problems with coming, see your doctor. Side effects may include blindness, nausea, diarrhaea, death, paralysis, a hankering to see chick flicks if you're male, a hankering to see action flicks if you're female and so on.