Deepayan/Uberhero/Confidence Man/Cleo/Eric/other personalities to be added later
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
  Stereotyping 2: The sequel
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty
- Mahatma Gandhi

Ethnocentrism is the idea of looking at every culture from the viewpoint that they are inferior to yours. Cultural relativism, on the other hand, is the idea that every culture should be viewed within its own context to be truly understood. These two are concepts I learned in ant100, but they are such fundamentally relevant ideas that I think they should be taught at an elementary level. For stereotypes are an exaggeration of ethnocentric viewpoints, so if children can be taught an alternative way of thinking at an early age, that may go a long way towards removing stereotypes.
It would be extremely difficult, however. Humans, as a whole, have divided themselves into meaningless cultures and sub-cultures; and each one perpetuates ethnocentrism; some, in fact survives on ethnocentrism. Take religion, for example; every major religion is split into tiny little factions that are all told they are the closest faction to God. The fact that the Vatican, a purely fundamentalist place that runs solely on Christianity, is an autonomous body is a testament to how far ethnocentrism can take an institution. And it is highly necessary for this ethnocentrism to survive, so that these institutions survive. The byproduct of stereotyping is, in all likelihood, considered more of a benefit.
The question is, would an attack on ethnocentrism be considered an attack on individuality and culture? Perhaps people consider stereotyping an essential ingredient, a necessary evil in maintaining diversity. People need to hate each other to a degree, among other things, otherwise we become a bland, uniform society, which is dangerous evolution-wise. But is this really true? And if it is, is this price worth paying?
I see. Speaking of which Deep, I've added you to my links page, so return the favour!
I don't know if I agree with you saying meaningless cultures.

Ethnocentrism is bound to happen , there are different continents so people will act differently.

If we can express our culture while embracing someone else's then sterotypes may be reduced.

sterotypes also happened due to misplaced agrresion.

for instance in psychology, I learnt that in america poor whites are more rascists towards blacks than richer whites.

they want someone to blame and they blame blacks for taking their job.

i will never understand the religon thing though and why so many denominations and why they can't get along.

They all basically serve the same "GOD" and have similar beliefs but yet there are so many differences.

If all these religious bodies could work together maybe just maybe there would be less of what we see today.

I myself have been guilty of stereotyping and it usually comes when I am angry but that really is no excuse.

westerners are major culprits of ethnocentrism it's our way or the high way and the only way to change it is to educate the young ones.
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