Deepayan/Uberhero/Confidence Man/Cleo/Eric/other personalities to be added later
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Your skin,
oh yeah, your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
- Yellow, Coldplay

I was watching a Coldplay concert yesterday (small venue in which the band was quite interactive with the audience; looked quite fun) in which Chris Martin was saying that the inspiration for the title of "Yellow" was the yellow pages, because while writing the song, he looked up and it was the first book he saw. And then he said "In an alternate Universe, this song would be called Playboy" Hence the title of this blog.
In other news; John Irving, a noted American author, said in an interview that he is saving Dickens' famous novel, Our Mutual Friend, as the last thing he reads before he dies. (Fans of Lost will recognize Desmond as having the same intention with the same book; Lost's writers have credited Irving with the idea) This idea has intrigued me; it would make for something to look forward to when you die, perhaps dulling the pain if it is a long and/or painful one. At any rate, it would be interesting to see if this is a viable idea; after all, rarely is one sure when they're going to die. And if you died without reading the book you planned to read, that would, I assume, make you quite a restless spirit. Also, if the book was sub-par, you'd die dissapointed and/or pissed. But the notion is original, nonetheless.
Moving along; I recently discovered that Rogers had bumped the Golf Channel in favor of MTV. Seeing as how MuchMusic has been sub-par, I decided to give MTV a try. Oddly enough, however, in roughly a week of watching it, I have yet to see MTV playing a single music video. For a TV station whose full name is Music TeleVision, they seem to find a remarkable plethora of talk shows, gossip shows and reality shows to play in place of music. One program in particular stood out to me; it seemed to be a program where mothers spent time with a guy, and the guy would assess, from the mother, whether he'd want to date her daughter or not. Putting aside the diluted arranged marriage that this essentially is, and the glorified pimping that it seems to be as well, the daughters are all hot. Not beautiful, but hot. (The difference being beautiful women are romanced over a period of time, and hot women are one-night stand-worthy) I find it nearly impossible to believe that these so-called daughters would be unable to get a date just by going clubbing any given night. Of course, this was my opinion on watching the program in mute. Upon turning the sound on, I discovered that the women--3 mothers and 3 daughters--had a combined IQ of 3.14 and an intelligence level of preschool, maybe less. The moral of the story? Women are always better on mute :P
Well, that ends my ramblings for today. Tune in later for more (or maybe I'll go for a serious post again; who knows? Tune in to find out :P )
MTV CAN is a decieving channel. The Canadian version fails to play music whereas the American actually does. So, don't waste ur time hoping to watch a music video cause, it's not happening!!! Date My Mom is the show ur talking about. And that is pure 30 mins of bullshit, but time well wasted! I must say I'd go all femnist on u about ur very opinionated talk about women and the word "mute,"but, after watching the show, i'd have to agree....

"The difference being beautiful women are romanced over a period of time, and hot women are one-night stand-worthy"

So true.

- Anon that is not someone you know, Deep.
The IQ makes me hungry, if you know what I mean! Still though. BTW, I'm Kimi Raikkonen and you're Michael Schumacher! I've been Kimi Raikkonen for a very long time, you haven't!
Dont be an ass Deep. And dont pretend as if you know about one-night stands and romancing.
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"Okay honey, I won't be weird. I'll be whatever you want me to be" --Lester Burnham, American Beauty. The line at the top is a quote from the late great George Carlin. The blog itself are the ramblings of a guy in a place doing a thing. You may not always care, but you'll always be entertained. Maybe. 60% of the time, you'll enjoy it everytime.

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