Deepayan/Uberhero/Confidence Man/Cleo/Eric/other personalities to be added later
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
One day our generation
Is gonna rule the population
So we keep on Waiting
Waiting on the World to change
- Waiting on the world to change, John Mayer

The above lyrics are from the new single from John Mayer's next album, titled Continuum. Purely by fluke, I stumbled across this song. Just like Mayer's other stuff, this song is not Muchmusic or MTV-rated (due to it actually being a SONG, as opposed to...whatever it is Jessica Simpson and Chris Brown put out) so I'm not holding out hope of hearing this on TV or radio anytime soon. Long live the Internet.
Moving on, the shine has worn off of being 20. Although the benefit seems to be that an extra level of maturity doesn't seem to be expected from me as initial polls seemed to show. This could indicate that either people have given up on me ever possibly being mature, or people are wise enough to know that 20 is less of a milestone and more of a marker.
I have, however, taken the opportunity to look back at the boy I used to be. It stuns me, quite, the things I used to do and the ideas I used to believe in. I'm not entirely sure that, if I were to meet my old self, I'd recognize myself. Although I suppose that's a good thing; the real scare would be realizing that you're the exact same person you were 10 years ago. Change is good; and though I'm sure that one day, through the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia, those days will seem spectacular, for now I am happy that I'm moving forward instead of backward. At the end of the day, I suppose that's all that matters.
"Change is good" -- I'm making this the new slogan of my revolutionary party -- watch for it in South America -- as the world concentrates on North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and the African states, South America will rise as the most dangerous continent this side of Antarctica.
I would give it to the homeless
Good question .
A playboy model definitely has more "respect". Same as a woman in the porn industry.
I guess because it is entertainment , but they really aren't different from each other.
just one "profession" is accepeted more than the other.

However with hooking it is different , I think it is more of a necessity for these women ,they see no way out.
With porn it is more of a choice , the money and the fame entice them so they get into these business.
In my opinion neither is acceptable but that is just me.

according to king james bible, adam and eve sins has cause god to curse us .
men have to till the ground and woman have to bear pain when making kids.
but women are also "tilling the ground"
so the roles have changed for women.
Whether I believe that story is another question.
You may actually hear the John Mayer song on the radio as I just read it was the most added song on adult top 40 stations and is the highest first week debut on the radio chart for any Mayer song yet.

Scooter McGavin's 9th Green
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