Love Song for no one
Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err
- Mahatma Gandhi
The title of this blog, of course, is
blatantly lifted from a John Mayer song (a very good one, more so in this day and age of Ashlee Simpson and Nick Lachey) For those who have yet to hear Mayer, he is an excellent guitarist, arguably the best among his generation of musicians.
Moving along, I ended exams on May 9th and began summer classes on May 16th, enjoying my 1 week of summer rather better than I expected. I made my first ever foray into Pacific Mall and was rather impressed, despite noticing that it was East Asian fob central. East Asian fobs are not aggressive fobs, unlike South Asian fobs, (who will act like fobs even if they're born here) South Asian fobs view any sort of attempt to enter their perceived domain as unwanted intrusion, amybe even for the purpose of invasion. Where they get this idea, I do not understand; thankfully, they don't act on it besides a few words here and there. Yet.
Of course, it may be possible that East Asian fobs also have this mentality, and that you must be East Asian to see it. But it didn't seem like it to me. And besides, a lot of non-East Asian people know of and regularly visit Pacific Mall; no South Asian store or mall has that level of popularity.
Well, back to my activities, summer school is not turning out too badly. I had my first bio250 lab on Tuesday, and our lab TA, much to my surprise, has a sense of humor
. This was confirmed by the fact that I was about to draw water from his waer bottle, thinking it was ethanol, and he said "That would be kind of funny" I'll allow you a moment to let that sink in.
The class also seems fun; the one class I did attend (there were two, but I was sick for the first one) our professor spent the pre-class time talking to the students. So far, it has cracked up to be all I expected; the first test, however, will be the real barometer. Oh well, we shall see.
And that's all the time we have today, folks. Tune in...sometime in the future, same place, time unsure. Drive safe, Ladies and Gentlemen, and enjoy your long weekend.