What a way to start off the year
Toronto Red Hot Toronto Red Hot Toronto R-E-D Red H-O-T Hot We can't help the stuff we got Uh huh Uh huh Uh huh Uh huh Uh huh
- Team U of T cheer at CUSG 2006
This post is long overdue, seeing as how the Canadian University Science Games has ben the most memorable event for me since I started this blog, nay, since I came to U of T in September of 2004. Four days of amazing, all-expenses paid fun in Windsor; and all-expenses paid included VIA travel and Holiday Inn accomodations. And that was the least of the positives of this entire trip.
As I'm sitting here trying to write this blog, I'm coming to the realization that words may not be adequate enough to express this trip in its full glory. (I'm also coming to the realization that I can't type straight to save my life, but that was just a matter of time) There were 20 of us, a small team compared to Ottawa's 80 or Western's 60, but we were a powerful force nonetheless. We placed first in trivia, second in the scavenger hunt and third in debate. Our cascade was most definitely tampered with, as our 6V battery was drained when we entered the competition room, but we still had a fantastic challenge set up, and our team members answered the questions thrown at us by the judges with ease. Our art challenge was also superior to most, and our spirit, although not displayed in the form of coordinated cheers, was present in huge dollops, as was evidenced by the large number of croaking voices on the way back. All in all, we were a fantastic team, and the team members were all truly great to work with.
The organization of the events was also done quite well, the only consistent weak point being the food, although that problem was patched up relatively well once the catering restaurants decided to handle the food distribution themselves. We enjoyed nightclub visits, arcades, Tim Hortons breakfasts, free Bell payphones; and that is not counting the events we as a team made up ourselves, such as the pillow fights and the downtown travel (more out of necessity for the scavenger hunt, but fun nonetheless) the night-long discussions we had, multiple times...good times were had by one and all. The only sour note was hit at the closing ceremonies, where the University of Windsor rigged the final results to give their home team the Grand Prize, despite having questionably placed in only one event: but no worries. It originally had me confused, then pissed, but hey, we had loads of fun, and to me, that is the real prize.