Deepayan/Uberhero/Confidence Man/Cleo/Eric/other personalities to be added later
Thursday, December 22, 2005
  The day after the day after the big day
My father taught me well to shun the gates of Hell
But against him I rebelled as I sailed
He shoved a bible in my hand but I left it in the sand
As I pulled away from land as I sailed
- Captain Kidd, Great Big Sea

Well, I wrote the last of my midterms on Wednesday, a bioethics test which was easier than it could have been. Although my ideas of what he was going to ask were slightly off, I still had enough ammunition to fill a few pages and make coherent arguments in the time given. And now I don't have to worry about exams until...february. Damn you, U of T. Damn you to hell.
Following the test, I spent about two hours socializing in Gerstein. (If you're not sure you're a nerd or not, here's a great litmus test; if you have a likely chance of meeting quite a few friends at the library, then you're a nerd. I have learnt this the hard way :P ) Soon, a group of us headed off to Medsci to meet up with others for our planned Festivus dinner.
The dinner was quite a success, even more so than I had hoped. There were some last-minute cancellations, but no no-shows, and I was surprisingly able to break the Biome committing jinx I seem to have had last year. I hope that's for good. The food itself was quite good. turkey+pasta+chocolate+pina colada=too much to eat.
After dinner, I headed over to the pubnight, walking the length of distance from Union station to Spadina. Unfortunately, I was unable to stay too long, as I entered the pub at 9:45 after telling my parents I'd be home at 9. I met a few people, then proceeded to leave with the two auntijis; you know who you two are :P
Overall, quite a good day. These must be done more often. Of course, with two doctors it would have been more entertaining, Stephen! :P

Number of :P in this blog: 3, plus the one in this sentence, thus 4.
LOL, I'm sorry I couldn't make it man. I got to see Shanx on a previous day though. He's now in California on vacation! :D :D
"Damn you U of T, Damn you to Hell"
You needn't say more!!!
and :o PUB NIGHT :p
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