Deepayan/Uberhero/Confidence Man/Cleo/Eric/other personalities to be added later
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
  UofT, brings the December exam period On!!

A little late, as this was necessary before yesterday. However, it's ready now, and the exams and assignments shall fall before me the way the warriors fell before Achilles.
Today was, on the whole, less eventful than yesterday. Owing to my english assignment being due tomorrow, I went to school, went to class, and came right back home. I did, however, meet an old friend on the TTC from my highschool volunteering days, and we caught up. Messed up the Sudoku puzzle in Metro again. I think I'm going to henceforth stick to puzles on the internet that indicate whether you're on the right track or not. Much easier to do. And yes, I'm copping out. Sue me.
Actually, to say yesterday was uneventful is a bit of an injustice. I spent a rather interesting hour at SEC (and was stalked there by Payam, or at least at one point saw someone out the window who looked like Payam) Also met another Biomer at Gerstein. You know you're at U of T when the library is the place to be.
Ah yes, I also met Amanda today. She told me about her hot TA and I planted seeds of doubt about his sexual orientation in her mind. Ahh, women. So naive. Usually, if a man is too good to be true, out of 10 times, 7 times he'll be gay, 1 time he'll be taken, 1 time it'll be a cover, and 1 time it'll be your true love. It's true; you only have a 10% likelihood of meeting your soulmate. Ask the realistic woemn, they'll say the same thing. The stats are the same for men as well, but we really don't care. We just want some booty. Eloquent, I know.
I have more to say, but not enough time to say it. Next update will likely be Friday. Enjoy, everyone.

Point to ponder: Women chase after doctors the way men chase after models. They want someone with knowledge of the body; we just want the body - Jerry Seinfeld
Ladies, is this true?

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