Deepayan/Uberhero/Confidence Man/Cleo/Eric/other personalities to be added later
Sunday, November 27, 2005
  And I'm back
In all fairness that did take longer than 15 minutes; so perhaps the procrastination is wearing off.
The procrastination is wearing off. The procrastination is wearing off. Nope, it looks weird no matter how many times I write it.
Had another violent dream. Most people are acquainted with my first violent dream, the Saving Private Ryan style UofT war conducted across King's College Field. For those who aren't, I had a dream where we were fighting a violent Saving Private Ryan style battle across King's College, with a sniper at the UC tower picking us off.
Well, this second dream involved me stumbling across what seemed to be a hotel lobby carrying a sawed-off shotgun. I fell, propped myself up with the gun. I was having an out-of-body experience, and I could see my right cheek was a bloody pulp. I stumbled out of the door of the hotel, found a guy having sex with a prostitute across the street in his car, and stole said car. I also found a bottle of wine on the passenger seat and used it to disinfect my cheek and other, smaller wounds on my face. I was chasing a van, and somehow the prevailing thought was that I had to stop it from crossing the border. I remember pulling up to it, ramming it once, then pulling out my shotgun and blowing the grey matter out of the guy in the van's passenger seat, blinding the driver in the process. A second ram dropped the van to the side of the now-deserted road. And I woke up.
The hotel and border lead me to think the setting was Windsor; one just hopes this is not what is in store, literally or figuratively, for the CUSG participants come January. But if it is, I apparently know what to do O_O

Thought of the day

Back with more later. Maybe.
if you cheat with yourself, then you end up cheating yourself by cheating others who would have loved to cheat you.
thusly, dont cheat

ps-enable anon comments...lot of people dont hvae their own blogs.
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"Okay honey, I won't be weird. I'll be whatever you want me to be" --Lester Burnham, American Beauty. The line at the top is a quote from the late great George Carlin. The blog itself are the ramblings of a guy in a place doing a thing. You may not always care, but you'll always be entertained. Maybe. 60% of the time, you'll enjoy it everytime.

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