Deepayan/Uberhero/Confidence Man/Cleo/Eric/other personalities to be added later
UofT, brings the December exam period On!!

A little late, as this was necessary before yesterday. However, it's ready now, and the exams and assignments shall fall before me the way the warriors fell before Achilles.
Today was, on the whole, less eventful than yesterday. Owing to my english assignment being due tomorrow, I went to school, went to class, and came right back home. I did, however, meet an old friend on the TTC from my highschool volunteering days, and we caught up. Messed up the Sudoku puzzle in Metro again. I think I'm going to henceforth stick to puzles on the internet that indicate whether you're on the right track or not. Much easier to do. And yes, I'm copping out. Sue me.
Actually, to say yesterday was uneventful is a bit of an injustice. I spent a rather interesting hour at SEC (and was stalked there by Payam, or at least at one point saw someone out the window who looked like Payam) Also met another Biomer at Gerstein. You know you're at U of T when the library is the place to be.
Ah yes, I also met Amanda today. She told me about her hot TA and I planted seeds of doubt about his sexual orientation in her mind. Ahh, women. So naive. Usually, if a man is too good to be true, out of 10 times, 7 times he'll be gay, 1 time he'll be taken, 1 time it'll be a cover, and 1 time it'll be your true love. It's true; you only have a 10% likelihood of meeting your soulmate. Ask the realistic woemn, they'll say the same thing. The stats are the same for men as well, but we really don't care. We just want some booty. Eloquent, I know.
I have more to say, but not enough time to say it. Next update will likely be Friday. Enjoy, everyone.
Point to ponder: Women chase after doctors the way men chase after models. They want someone with knowledge of the body; we just want the body - Jerry Seinfeld
Ladies, is this true?
And so the midterm battle begins
Well, the anthropology midterm I had today was not quite what I expected. The last two "quizzes" we had--the term 'quiz' applied to a paper with 134 questions, and the term 'test' applied to one with 139--were pure multiple choice and matching. So, having studied accordingly, I exhausted the material and, quite frankly, was rather confident going into this test.
Coming out, however, not so much. We faced a lot of fill in the blanks, where they gave us a blank diagram and we had to label the parts correctly. I suspect, seeing as how the quiz averages have been in the mid 70s, that this was a ploy to lower the class average. However, in hindsight, it may not have been as hard as it seemed during the exam. We shall see. Next mountatin to conquer; the english final assignment. Having done 12 our of a maximum of 15 pages already, this is not quite so stressful.
That pretty much sums up my day. There was some walking and some meeting of people, but nothing extraordinary. Perhaps tomorrow shall be more eventful. Or perhaps not.
People with strollers on the TTC and other thoughts
Ok, first of all, I'd like to say that strollers are highly unnecessary and I believe they are detrimental to the development of a child. If a child can't walk, then they are small enough to be carried and should be done so; it keeps the child well-adjusted to be so close to their parents, and a well-adjusted child grows up to be a well-adjusted adult.
If they can walk, then they need to walk. Develop the walking muscles, plus they just discovered it; they probably want to do this new thing they just discovered they are capable of. If they don't, then carry them.
However, it's perfectly understandable that I may be perfectly wrong; after all, to the best of my knowledge, I do not have any children, so it's entirely possible that my ideas are juvenile and immature. One thing I do know, however, is that strollers and TTC buses are a bad bad mix. On my route today, I boarded to see THREE strollers right next to each other. It was all I could do to somehow squeeze through them. Others with bigger loads were not so fortunate and had to stand perilously close to the door. And if that wasn't enough, at the very next stop awaits another lady with another stroller. Fortunately, the driver had o wait for the next bus, then he had the decency to radio the dispatch station or whatever to hurry the next bus. He's a throwback to older TTC drivers; or maybe that's how all the novice ones are.
Other thoughts:
- Eminem's new song is another classic. Well-written, and surprisingly only one expetive that I could detect. He's still nowhere close to K-Os in the brillinace of his lyrics, but he's better than most.
- Staying on the subject of rap, Liberal MP Dan McTeague wants to ban 50 cent from performing in Canada because he says fiddy promotes a message of violence that the urban youth don't need to hear. I'd love to ask Mr. McTeague to name 3 uban youths that he even knows. It's almost like he's just blowing hot air about a subject he knows nothing about and doesn't really want to fix to gain liking from the population. There's a word to describe him; what am I looking for here; Doctor? No, that's not it. Engineer? No. Comedian? No. Appealing, but no. Insulting to comics as well. What is it...oh, that's right, he's a typical Politician. You know one, you know them all, practically.
- Staying on the subject of politics, in less than an hour we shall know if there's another election coming or not (most likely yes, unless one of the parties backstabs the other, which I can see happening). I personally was never comfortable with the concept of a minority government. It always did, and still does, strike me as an oxymoron; besides, the larger party always caters to the smaller one to preserve the coalition, as we saw here. There's one in India as well, which is showing signs of strain in a much shorter period of time, thank goodness. The state of Indian politics, however, is the subject for another blog entirely; for those who don't follow it, the leader of India is currently an Italian. She is not the official leader, but nearly all the official leaders report to her, with the only notable exception being the president, who is a former nuclear scientist. I shall dedicate a blog to this in the near future, as it causes me no small amount of chagrin.
- Two documentaries on Wal-Mart come out soon, one glorifying it, the other demonizing it. Now I don't know much about Wal-Mart, but I do know that they have the best prices on things, they store everything under one roof, their corporate executives don't take multimillion dollar bonuses each year and their trucks were one of the first to enter New Orleans after Katrina, despite never being able to open a store there without opposition. Unless they have proof that the Wal-Mart owners eat little children for breakfast, I fail to see hwo or why they would demonize such a corporation. I could be wrong; there may be things I don't know. I'd love to be enlightened.
- Kiera Knightley was on Jon Stewart last night. Now she's cute as is, and she was wearing a red dress which didn't hurt, but when she opened her mouth and that british accent spilled out, I dont know how or why, but her cuteness factor went through the roof. I do envy her. One year older than me, and she already has an established career as an A-list star. But I also respect her that she did it all on her own, without any offscreen dramas or onscreen 'wardrobe malfunctions'. Bill Gates, she is not, but at least she's better than Ashlee Simpson.
Still with me? I'm stunned and flattered. Thank you for reading this far, and I leave you with this point to ponder: Can you appreciate the beauty of a song if you do not understand the language it's sung in?
And I'm back
In all fairness that did take longer than 15 minutes; so perhaps the procrastination is wearing off.
The procrastination is wearing off. The procrastination is wearing off. Nope, it looks weird no matter how many times I write it.
Had another violent dream. Most people are acquainted with my first violent dream, the Saving Private Ryan style UofT war conducted across King's College Field. For those who aren't, I had a dream where we were fighting a violent Saving Private Ryan style battle across King's College, with a sniper at the UC tower picking us off.
Well, this second dream involved me stumbling across what seemed to be a hotel lobby carrying a sawed-off shotgun. I fell, propped myself up with the gun. I was having an out-of-body experience, and I could see my right cheek was a bloody pulp. I stumbled out of the door of the hotel, found a guy having sex with a prostitute across the street in his car, and stole said car. I also found a bottle of wine on the passenger seat and used it to disinfect my cheek and other, smaller wounds on my face. I was chasing a van, and somehow the prevailing thought was that I had to stop it from crossing the border. I remember pulling up to it, ramming it once, then pulling out my shotgun and blowing the grey matter out of the guy in the van's passenger seat, blinding the driver in the process. A second ram dropped the van to the side of the now-deserted road. And I woke up.
The hotel and border lead me to think the setting was Windsor; one just hopes this is not what is in store, literally or figuratively, for the CUSG participants come January. But if it is, I apparently know what to do O_O
Thought of the day
- Shakira has two videos out from her latest album, one spanish, one english. In the spanish one, she's the cheating mistress and in the english one, she's the vengeful girlfriend. How does that work? Was she cheating on herself with herself? Is that even considered cheating?
Back with more later. Maybe.
"And I can't wait to figure out what's wrong with me
So I can say this is the way that I used to be"
I have a midterm next Tuesday and an assignment next Thursday, so naturally, creating a blog is of high priority right now :P Do leave comments, whoever visits. During the creation of htis blog, a sense of foreboding and urgency hit me, thus I shall return to studying. When thsi passes (give it some 15 odd minutes) I shall be back.