Deepayan/Uberhero/Confidence Man/Cleo/Eric/other personalities to be added later
Women are the most beautiful creatures on the Earth.
Not just physically, although a case could be made for that. A woman's smile can make a person's day, her warmth can make any problem seem less daunting,and her confidence can make you reach for the impossible. The beauty that lies in having such abilities is just...wonderful.
I'm not just talking about girlfriends and spouses. Mothers, sisters, cousins, friends, daughters; I pity the man who has not a single woman in his life, for I cannot being to imagine the wretched life he must be living.
I apologise to all women out there who have men that don't fully appreciate their abilities. Men who beat you, who ignore you, who toy with your emotions, who don't understand what a gift they have, I apologise on their behalf.
This is not to say there are bad apples among women. There are women who lie, cheat, and steal, women who use limited skills to go far, women who in general give the gender a bad name. Then there are the ones who (unwittingly, perhaps) promote the literature and media that portrays them in a negative light. And the ones who choose to be miserable, thereby making others miserable around them. There's loads of faults that women have.
But they're still beautiful creatures, just because of all the good they do. A woman can make a guy's life go from good to fantastic, and that outweighs all.
There is no point to this entry (when is there ever with my entries, right?). I just felt the need to show my appreciation for all the wonderful women I've known through the years. Some of them have accomplished extraordinary things, and others are clearly destined for greatness, but every one of them has helped me become a better person. If there is greater beauty anywhere, I fear I wouldn't be able to handle it.
That's all.