Deepayan/Uberhero/Confidence Man/Cleo/Eric/other personalities to be added later
A note of thanks
To all those that read my blog, and especially to those who comment on it. (Hello Dan, Hello Vic, Hello Stephen...even though I haven't seen you around here in a while. Not interesting enough for ya? :P ) I know I don't acknowledge you all, but your continued support of my verbal diarrhea is much appreciated.
P.S: Those of you who read without commenting, feel free to make the transition. I won't stalk you...well, I might. But I probably already do anyways, so don't let that stop you.
Mysterious Ways
The night is full of holes
As bullets rip the sky
Of ink with gold
They twinkle as the
Boys play rock and roll
They know they can’t dance
At least they know
- Vertigo, U2
Yes, the lyrics chosen today are reflective of my biome name. Let's put that to rest right away.
Apparently, in 2004, 1 in 7 postsecondary students in Canada dropped out. It's not an alarming statistic, but it is worrisome, especially as jobs and employers are looking for more education, not less. Add in the number of people who don't go on to post-secondary education, and those who drop out of high school, and you've got yourself quite a crowd. The question is, are job opportunities going to change to reflect this? Or is this the norm, rather than a trend? Only time will tell.
I was reading a (rare) negative review of Borat's new movie recently, and one point the critic made was that making fun of jews was not right, even though Sasha Baron Cohen, who plays borat, is himself jewish. This struck me as odd, because if Cohen makes fun of jewish people, isn't he effectively making fun of himself? And if he can successfully laugh at himself, shouldn't he be able to do that? In fact, isn't that a good thing? I fail to understand the logic of these types of people sometimes. These are very sensitive topics, so let's be straight-laced and anal about them so they take on almost mythical taboo-like proportions instead of breaking them down and blunting the insults with humor, because that's never a good thing. So what about comics who make fun of their family? (Chris Rock comes to mind) Is that also off-limits?
To be continued...or to be discarded in favor of another topic. What will it be? Tune in to find out. DUN DUN DUN